Travel deep into the snow-laden forests of Ontario for a restorative 3-day getaway in the wilderness. Stay in an off-grid chalet suite that has all the comforts you need for a relaxing winter retreat: a wood-burning fireplace, an outdoor wood sauna and an onsite chef to cook your delicious and healthy meals. Spend your afternoons on guided expeditions through the serene wilderness of Algonquin Park. With outdoor gear for everyone, and quiet snowshoe- and cross-country trails located right outside your door, you can make this getaway as relaxing or active as you’d like. Whether it’s cooking, or guided excursions, we take care of the logistics for you so you can focus on whats important, connecting with family and friends.
Disconnect from the hustle of everyday life as you make your way to the secluded northeast edge of Algonquin Park. Your solar-powered chalet suite is located on the shores of Kawawaymog Lake and features two bedrooms – one with a queen bed and one with two single bunk beds (linens included). This is a great getaway for a family, a group of friends or two couples (if the bunk beds are not an issue). The chalet has two of these two-bedroom suites so it can also easily accommodate larger groups.
Each suite has a private bathroom with shower, a dining area, a living room with a wood-burning fireplace and a fully equipped kitchen should you wish to supplement the catered food.
This is a sample itinerary - the exact program is tailored to the preferences of the guests and weather conditions.
Day 1: Algonquin Park
Feel immediately at ease as you arrive in the quiet and peaceful landscape. Make the most of your time and join your wilderness guide for an afternoon snowshoe or cross country ski to get your bearings. If you would rather relax, make yourself comfortable by the fire in the cozy interior. Perhaps you’d like to enjoy a sauna before your chef-prepared dinner is served.
Snowshoes and cross country skis are available for your use anytime. The wood-fired sauna is shared between the two chalet suites onsite.
After dinner, the lake will be cleared and torches will guide you for a nighttime skate under the stars. Or, if skating is not your thing, you can take a walk or just chill by the fire with a good book, a movie or a board game. Satellite wifi is available for light internet use if desired.
Day 2: Algonquin Park
Start the day off with a huge country breakfast, prepared fresh for you and your group. This is the perfect meal to get you ready for a day of outdoor adventuring.
If you’ve never tried snowshoeing or cross-country skiing, you’ll love the opportunity to do one of these great Canadian winter activities with a wilderness guide. Just steps from your chalet as forest-lined snowshoe trails and ski routes through the finger islands of Kawawaymog Lake. Your guide will take you on an active adventure based on your group’s comfort and fitness level.
After your outdoor adventure, take a well-deserved break in the sauna or relax by the fire. The evening once again brings a delicious and healthy meal.
If the night is clear, take a short walk outdoors to see the sky full of stars and breathe in the fresh air before retiring for bed.
Day 3: Algonquin Park
Wake up to yet another glorious feast for breakfast and linger around the table with your companions.
Spend the morning at your leisure: enjoy a post-breakfast nap by the fire, try another trail with the snowshoes or skis or play a game in the living room. Make the most of your last morning in the woods before heading back, rested and rejuvenated.
It is important to note that this is a self-sufficient, 100% off-the-grid property. Your chalet suite has a fridge, stove/oven, running hot water (for shower and kitchen) and heating. You will be in the wilderness and there is no cell coverage, but if you are looking to work & play, satellite wifi is available. Tailor your adventure by adding on additional nights, more people, dog sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, and more!
Contact us for more availability
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