This is a sample itinerary - the exact program is tailored to the preferences of the participants and weather conditions and wildlife activity.
Located 80 kilometres, (50 air miles), north of Campbell River, British Columbia, is a wild and remote area of the Great Bear Rainforest known as Knight Inlet. As the longest fjord on the B.C. coast, Knight Inlet offers visitors spectacular scenery set against a backdrop of dramatic mountain peaks plunging into the Pacific Ocean. Variegated hues of blues and greens seamlessly blend forest, ocean and sky. It can be a place of immense silence in the calm of the temperate rainforest and of immense power in the face of the many thundering glacier-fed waterfalls. Situated 60 kilometres from the mouth of the inlet is Knight Inlet Lodge. The floating lodge is tucked into Glendale Cove, which offers one of the few protected anchorages in the inlet, and it is here that you will begin each day’s adventure.
The lodge is an assortment of modern cement floats containing 18 guest rooms, dining room, lounge, interpretive center and support buildings. All rooms have 2 queen beds with a private washroom and shower except the family rooms which have 1 queen and 2 twin beds. The dining room has ample seating for 50 plus a separate common area with comfortable seating and gas fireplaces where guests can mingle before and after meals.
The bear's viewing is different in each of the seasons. In the spring and summer, you will set out in boats so that we can get close to the shore (50 meters) and give guests a good view of the bears feeding. In late August, the viewing stands although and you will continue to view the bears by boat as well. With the entire viewing program, the guest's safety is of utmost importance. The staff at the lodge strive to see the bears in their natural environment without having a negative impact on them.
As well as bear viewing, the lodge also offers a number of other tours. The marine wildlife tour is offered in all of the seasons that the lodge based on the season's change. In the spring, the travel throughout the inlet viewing the seals, sea lions, porpoises, dolphins and the occasional minke whale that may travel through the waters. From July onwards, the tours have the added attraction of the orca (killer) and humpback whales and when we journey to the world-famous Johnstone Strait, you are almost assured of spending some great viewing time with these magnificent marine mammals. Not only do you view the whales, but the tour includes all of the spring marine viewing as well, so the program lasts for up to 10 hours.
Contact us for more information and pricing!
If you have any questions about this experience prior to booking, please contact us and one of our experts will be happy to help you.
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