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Category Archives: Ontario

Connected by Canoe
Connected by Canoe
The new 65,000-square-foot Canadian Canoe Museum and its 5-acre waterfront location in Peterborough Ontario is the culmination of the dreams, passion and hard work of ...
May 31, 2024 , 0
By Design
By Design
Award-winning Toronto-based architect Heather Dubbeldam discusses how social sustainability in architecture includes designing spaces that have a sense of identity and place, and that offer ...
May 31, 2024 , 0
Voices from the Island
Voices from the Island
A few longtime residents share glimpses of life on the Toronto Islands, located an easy 10-minute ferry ride from the downtown core of Canada’s largest ...
May 31, 2024 , 0
Hosting Regeneration
Hosting Regeneration
Michelle Holliday, author of the Age of Thrivability discusses why just ‘growing local tourism’ isn’t the answer to a more regenerative travel future. View the ...
May 31, 2024 , 0
Lake Superior Coastal Drive
Lake Superior Coastal Drive
Top stops along the North Shore of Lake Superior View the story Lake Superior Coastal Drive Top stops along the North Shore of Lake Superior ...
May 11, 2024 , 0
Des falaises, des rapides et des cavernes
Des falaises, des rapides et...
La Route Champlain propose une expérience personnelle, profondément humaine, qui nous ramène à notre place sur la Terre. Elle est garante d’inspiration et livre une ...
Mar 06, 2024 , 0
Secrets of the Inland Sea
Secrets of the Inland Sea
Tourism and conservation go hand-in-hand at the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area View the story Secrets of the Inland Sea Tourism and conservation go ...
Mar 01, 2024 , 0
Conversation Starters
Conversation Starters
What does it mean to travel sustainably? It is about lessening our impact on the planet when we travel, increasing the amount of time we ...
Mar 01, 2024 , 0